
Let’s debunk 6 beliefs around food!

Category: Health and Well-being

4 mins

When it comes to nutrition—between the contradictions and the obsolete data—getting the facts is not always easy so we turned to a nutritionist 1  for guidance:

Question 1 :

An ideal meal schedule… does it even exist?

Nutritionist’s answer :

For most people, eating every 3 or 4 hours will help keep blood sugar levels steady and protect muscle mass, thanks to a constant supply of protein. Beware of restrictions and note that it’s normal for our hunger to vary!

Question 2 :

What about intermittent fasting?

Nutritionist’s answer :

This is one way to reduce caloric intake, but, for most, it’s not the easiest or the most enjoyable! Fasting is a very personal decision, but if this is something that works for you, then go for it! A word of caution: fasting can put people with an eating disorder at risk of relapsing

Question 3 :

Is breakfast an absolute must?

Nutritionist’s answer :

If you’re hungry, yes! But, regardless of the time of day, forcing yourself to eat is rarely a good idea. Same goes for children; instead of making them “fill their tummies” at breakfast time, add some healthy snacks to their lunch bag that they’ll enjoy later on.

Question 4 :

Is snacking vital or optional?

Nutritionist’s answer :

In between meals, when hunger comes from a real, physiological need, a snack that combines protein and carbohydrates is a good idea.

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Question 5 :

And for kids… is the “never-ending, home from school and evening” snack fest normal?

Nutritionist’s answer :

Yes, absolutely! Because they are growing, children’s energy needs are different from adults. Also, as a child’s stomach cannot hold as much food in one meal, having several small meals is a great way to feed their growing bodies. And don’t worry if snacking diminishes their dinner time appetite; what’s more harmful in the long run is not listening to the body’s hunger and satiety signals.

Question 6 :

Eating before bed is a formula for weight gain and nighttime indigestion, right?

Nutritionist’s answer :

Again, it’s OK to eat when it is truly in response to hunger and not just a treat or out of boredom! There is no good or bad time to eat. We must listen to our body’s hunger and thirst signals and respond adequately.

What to remember : There are no good or bad foods, and no good or bad time to eat. The “best” foods are those that bring us pleasure AND nutrients! And the best diet is one that embraces a bit of everything (and a whole lot of taste).
